We've all heard about mental load right? Moms carry the bulk of the mental load when in comes to family and when it comes to scheduling a photo session, the excitement can often be accompanied by stressors that are all too familiar to moms. From coordinating outfits to managing unpredictable toddler moods, the list of potential stressors can seem endless. In this blog post, I'm talking about the top photo session stressors for moms and offering practical tips on how to relieve them.

  1. Choosing the Perfect Outfits: Selecting coordinated outfits for the entire family can be a daunting task. Moms often find themselves torn between achieving a cohesive look and ensuring everyone feels comfortable. To alleviate this stressor, Here is the clothing advice I give my clients in their Session Prep Guide: "Of course, I want you to feel beautiful. However, please keep in mind that with the nature of how I shoot, you will be playing with your little one. There will be moments where you are standing, sitting, holding your child, and quite possibly dancing and chasing. So, please plan accordingly. Wear something that you can move comfortably in and will feel okay sitting on the ground in. If it doesn't stay put or is too tight or short to get up and down in, please don't wear it. I would hate for any wardrobe malfunctions to take away from an amazing moment with your child."
  2. Managing Unpredictable Toddler (and Child...and Teen...and Dad...) Behavior: Toddlers are notorious for their unpredictable behavior, and when it comes to a photo session, it can be hard to get them, and frankly older children and partners on board. To mitigate this stressor, schedule the shoot during your child's happiest time of day, be it after a nap or a good meal. Bring along their favorite toys or snacks to keep them engaged, and don't forget to embrace the candid moments – sometimes, the most authentic shots come from unexpected situations.
  3. Ensuring Everyone is in a Good Mood: Coordinating family members' moods for a photo session can be a tall order. To address this stressor, plan some enjoyable activities for before or after the shoot to boost everyone's spirits. Whether it's a family game, a favorite meal, or a simple outing, setting a positive tone beforehand can significantly impact the overall atmosphere during the session.
  4. Time Constraints and Scheduling Challenges: Moms often juggle numerous responsibilities, making scheduling photo sessions a potential source of stress. And the older your kids get, the more activities there are to plan around. To ease this burden, choose a date well in advance and plan accordingly. Make sure you're hiring a photographer who is flexible and understanding of the challenges posed by family schedules. Remember, capturing the essence of your family is more important than adhering to a strict timeline.
  5. Fear of Unflattering Photos: Moms often worry about how they will look in the photos, adding an extra layer of stress. To combat this, choose outfits that make you feel confident and focus on the positive aspects of your appearance. Discuss any specific concerns with your photographer, and remember that they are skilled in capturing the beauty and authenticity of each individual. I also want to get on a quick soapbox and remind you that while these photos may be for you now, they are for your kids later. They will WANT to have photos of YOU. And they won't care if you did or isn't loose those extra few pounds, if your home was perfect, if you chose the perfect clothes, or if you have a few more wrinkles than you'd like. They care about you.
  6. Dealing with Weather-related Issues: Both indoor and outdoor photo sessions are susceptible to weather changes, causing stress for moms who fear a session might be ruined by rain or extreme temperatures. I always have a backup plan in case of unfavorable weather and will communicate openly with you about rescheduling options. Flexibility is key to navigating this stressor successfully.

While photo sessions can be stressful for moms (trust me, as a mom of three, I feel this one), implementing these practical tips can turn the experience into a joyous occasion. Remember that the goal is to capture the love and connection within your family, and by relieving these stressors, you'll be better equipped to cherish the memories created during those special moments. Embrace the uniqueness of your family, and let the genuine smiles and laughter shine.

Family Session Prep Guide

Click here to see the Prep Guide I send all of my clients to help them get ready for their session!

Family Session Prep Guide

Click here to see the Prep Guide I send all of my clients to help them get ready for their session!